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About Holy Cross Lutheran Church

Reconciling in Christ (RIC)

RIC Logo

You Are Welcome at Holy Cross Lutheran Church

Holy Cross Lutheran Church joyfully affirms and celebrates that every person is a beloved child of God. We welcome all who are seeking God’s boundless love and sustaining grace into full community with us at Holy Cross. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we commit ourselves to breaking down barriers and systems that divide God’s children working to be a space committed to racial equality for God’s people and to building a community where all are recognized as part of Christ’s new creation.


We welcome you, and you are safe with us...

Whatever your race, ethnicity, or heritage;

Whatever your relationship status;

We welcome you, and you are safe with us...


Whatever your sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or gender expression;

Whatever your socio-economic status;

We welcome you, and you are safe with us...


Whatever your age and life circumstance;

Whatever your physical and mental ability.

You are a beloved child of God, you are valued, and you are welcome here.

Reconciling in Christ (RIC) is a status given to Lutheran congregations by Reconciling Works, an independent para-church organization that has worked as advocates for the marginalized members of society for over 40 years. Reconciling in Christ congregations are ones that have made an intentional decision to be welcoming and affirming to all people, including all sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions, racial and socio-economic circumstances. RIC congregations also seek to actively promote justice for all people in our society.

In the Fall of 2021, Holy Cross voted as a congregation to become a RIC worshipping community by formally adopting the Statement of Welcome you see on this page. As we grow into the vision that this statement proclaims, we invite you to join us in the adventure!

Our History

Holy Cross is 60 years old. Read about our history and significant milestones over the years.

Staff of Holy Cross

Meet the staff who continue to shepherd our mission in the community in which we live.

Church Council

Meet the elected leadership of our church and their responsibilities in service to Holy Cross.

Rooted in Faith, Growing in Service
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