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Welcome to Holy Cross Lutheran Church

Join Our Community

The word "congregation" means a gathering. We believe that a church congregation should be much more than just a physical collection of people, but something more - a community. A community is made of people who live together and support one another in good times and in bad. Founded in love and with the presence of Jesus in our midst, the people of Holy Cross strive to be a community of Jesus' disciples, gathered in his name and by his grace to serve our neighbors in his love.

Everyone is welcome to be part of our fellowship at any level which they choose. Becoming a member, however, allows for a fuller participation in the life and mission of the people of God called Holy Cross. It gives you a voice and vote on matters that impact the congregation and it allows you to be of service in the mission and ministry we do together in Jesus' name. Above all, it makes a statement to yourself and to others that says, "I want to be a full part of this family of faith as they live into God's grace."


We encourage you to consider being a part of our church community. Being a member of Holy Cross is an invitation to being a disciple of Jesus. To learn more about this, you can either call the church office at 703-437-1883 or contact us via email

Who We Are

Get an introduction to what is important to this community of faith.

Reconciling in Christ

What does it mean to be a Reconciling in Christ congregation?

Our History

Holy Cross is 60 years old. Read about our history and significant milestones over the years.

Rooted in Faith, Growing in Service
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