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Upcoming Events

Fun and Fellowship

Everyone who attends worship at Holy Cross is part of our church family! As a family, we participate in many activities and special events throughout the year. Holy Cross welcomes everyone to attend our activities. Sometimes the goal of an event is community outreach, sometimes the event is service oriented, but the center of every activity is always fun and fellowship!

Holy Cross Weekly eBlast

Stay up to date with our Weekly eBlast Newsletter!  Each Thursday, our eBlast is full of church news and events!  Sign up HERE to receive the eBlast!

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Join us on July 4th on the lawn

to view the

Herndon Fireworks!



What the Schnitzel! food truck!

Ice Cream!



Sunday, 7/21/24 thru Thursday, 7/25/24

6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Dinner provided Sun thru Wed, and

a Potluck on Thursday!


Reserve your spot TODAY! 
Register a child!  Register an adult!  Register a volunteer!
Register HERE 

Cost for T-Shirt, Dinners And All Activities! 
$20/Person Or $25 Per Family

Contact:  Suzanne Baggett

 VBS Director,

~~  Previous Events  ~~
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Join us for worship as we celebrate the musicians of Holy Cross with a festival worship service!


Potluck Lunch in the Fellowship Hall after worship!


Join Us!  


Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 7 pm
Tickets: $15

Our own Jeremy Shoop is the
Pit Orchestra Director for the play!

Buy your tickets at

Holy Cross will have reserved seating.


For more information, contact Anne Geiger @ (703) 401-2570

Our own Katie Moran 

will be ordained, here at

Holy Cross on 

Saturday, April 27th!


What a joyous occasion!


April Outing ~ Join us for the Raleigh Ringers!


Performing at St. Matthews UMC in Annandale
Saturday, April 6th at 3:00 pm

Join us on Saturday, April 6th at

3:00 pm, to see the performance of the renowned Raleigh Ringers! Get your tickets at Contact Jeremy Shoop for info on carpooling.

Spring Property Clean Up Day is March 30th!

Wednesday Lenten Dinner Church Returns! 

Join us for fellowship and our traditional soup dinners in the Fellowship Hall.


Take part in our Dinner Church worship as we take this Lenten Journey together.

Join Us for Mardi Gras Fun and Pancake Dinner!

Come dressed in Gold, Green, and Purple to celebrate Mardi Gras!  


Enjoy a pancake dinner with our own youth in the kitchen!  


Participate in our Mardi Gras Parade with our masks!

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Join us on January 15th for our MLK Day of Service in the Fellowship Hall from 10 am to noon!

Monthly Block Parties

Holy Cross is looking to hold monthly social events called Block Parties! The idea is to have different members of the congregation sign-up to coordinate an event. We kicked off with a cookout and lawn game day in September! We'll be looking for help, so check the weekly e-blast and Weekly Update for more information!


In the meantime, we’d love for YOU to sign up to lead an event!  

Here are some of the ideas we’ve tossed out, but would love to hear
YOUR ideas as well:


  • Pizza & Board Games Night

  • Hike & visit a brewery/vineyard with live music

  • Movie Night

  • Bonfire & S’mores with hot chocolate

  • Nature Walk

  • Attend a soccer, baseball (Go Nats!!), rugby, or cricket game

  • Progressive Garden/Dinner Party

  • Chili Cook-Off

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Join us for midweek Advent Dinner Church--with soup and sandwiches provided! Don’t worry if you can’t make it by 6:30 pm, come when you can, grab a plate, and join in the conversation!  Join us for fellowship, fun and worship every Wednesday evening through Advent!

Tuesday December 12th Beer and Carols @ Jimmy's Old Towne Tavern


Fall Church Property Work Day!

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60th Anniversary Celebration

Holy Cross is 60 years old this year!


Led by Deb Reilly, the 60th Anniversary Planning Committee has set the date for the main celebration for All Saints Sunday, November 5, 2023.


We will have one combined worship service at 10:00 am on that day. Former HCLC Pastor Ed Harper will be the Preacher and Bishop Leila Ortiz the Presiding Minister. Seminarian Katy Moran and Pastor Martin will serve as Assisting Ministers. There will be a catered luncheon after the church service--please RSVP soon!


Kick-off for the 60th Anniversary Events started at our July 4th Celebration!  Stay tuned here and on the Weekly eBlast for more details of other events associated with the 60th Celebration!


If you would like to help with the set-up, serving, and clean-up for the catered luncheon after the service, please contact Anne Geiger. It will be a busy day!

Annual Trunk or Treat!

Sunday, October 29, 3:00 to 5:00 pm

Holy Cross Parking Lot


Park your decorated vehicle in the Holy Cross parking lot and get ready to hand out candy to children of our neighborhood. Costumes for you are optional, but add to the fun!

Herndon Homecoming Parade

Saturday, October 14, 8:30-11:30 am


Meet across from Herndon Middle School and join our Hospitality Table to serve snacks and water to participants in the Herndon High School Homecoming Parade!


Pet Blessing

Sunday, October 8, 1:00 pm


All pets and their families are welcome!

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Saturday, October 7, 11 am to 5 pm

Sterling Community Center


Come and enjoy tons of exciting vendor booths (ours included), along with a wide variety of family activities! There will be a volunteer sign-up sheet in the Narthex after Labor Day to help out with this event.

September Block Party

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Sunday, September 24, 12:15 pm


Join us for our first monthly social event--our September Block Party on Sunday September 24th after the late service!  We'll have a cookout and lawn game day! 


We'll provide the burgers & hot dogs, you bring an appetizer, side or dessert to share! We'll be looking for help, so check the weekly e-blast and Weekly Update for more information!


Should be a time for great fellowship on the church lawn!  We'll have cornhole, bocci ball, and other games! 


Sign up to bring your favorite dish HERE.


Questions? Feel free to ask Shelly Eldred or Deb Reilly.   

Rooted in Faith, Growing in Service
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